Dr. Wayne Geltman, certified acupuncturist through I.V.A.S. utilizes several forms of acupuncture including electroacupuncture and aquapuncture, to treat many conditions including:
- Hip dysplasia
- Arthritis
- Intervertebral disc disease
- Seizures
- Nerve paralysis
- Feline constipation syndrome
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Thyroid disease
- Immune system problems
- Dermatitis
- Chronic pain management
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is defined as the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to cause a desired healing effect. Acupuncture can stimulate nerves, increase blood circulation, relieve muscle spasm, and cause the release of hormones, such as endorphins (one of the body’s pain control chemicals) and cortisol (a natural steroid).
Is it Safe for My Pet?
Veterinary acupuncture is very safe when performed properly by a trained veterinarian. The needles are sterile and thin making the risk of infection extremely low. Other side effects are extremely rare. The majority of our veterinary patients tolerate treatment very well and quite often become relaxed and sleepy during their treatment.This technique has been used in veterinary practice in China for at least 3000 years to treat many human ailments. Acupuncture is used all over the world, either by itself or in conjunction with Western medicine, to treat a wide variety of maladies in every species of domestic and exotic animals. Acupuncture is not a cure-all, but can work very well when it is indicated.
Will My Pet Benefit From Acupuncture?
At All Creatures Veterinary Services, we believe that dogs and cats benefit from acupuncture similarly to the way humans benefit from this treatment. We would be pleased to discuss whether your pet would benefit from acupuncture. Please give us a call to arrange an appointment.
Answers to frequently asked questions about Acupuncture
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture points are located in areas of concentrated nerve bundles and/or in close proximity to major blood vessels which themselves are surrounded by a rich nerve supply. Placing a needle at these points creates both local and systemic (widespread) effects. Local effects include: stimulation of nerve fibers inducing reactions that modulate pain signaling from the local area, dilation of blood vessels increasing blood supply to the area, and release of chemical substances that can work to repair damaged tissue. Stimulating a nerve at an acupuncture point will also affect the spinal cord segments from which the nerve originates. Often this will decrease the amount of pain signaling transmission that occurs through the local region. In some cases, other body structures whose nerve supply originates in this same spinal cord segment can be positively influenced. Finally, acupuncture has been demonstrated to cause increased serotonin and endorphin levels, creating a widespread reduction in pain sensation.
Is It Painful? Is It Safe?
The majority of our veterinary patients tolerate treatment very well and quite often become relaxed and sleepy during their treatment (most likely due to the release of serotonin and endorphins associated with acupuncture).
How Many Treatments Will My Pet Need?
It usually takes at least 3-4 acupuncture treatments before resolution or improvement of clinical signs. Acupuncture usually does not work alone. A combination of acupuncture techniques, herbal supplements, diet change and massage is necessary to achieve the desired goal.